Covid-19 Update – January 2021

Please read this important update from Pastor Dan:

Hello and Happy New Year,

This is Pastor Dan with an update. The Eden Church will continue to only hold worship services online for now. When the guidelines we have been using to make decisions satisfactorily improve, we will be sure to get the word out so we can be back in person, on site at the church, worshipping together with the restrictions we had in place before. I understand we are all probably tired of this, and I can tell you I too am struggling with impatience.

In the meantime, please continue to view and listen to our worship celebrations which are available each Sunday morning on our website, on Facebook or you can search for us on YouTube.

Additionally, as the events that have taken place at our nation’s capital have spurred unrest and threats elsewhere in our land, I urge us all to fast and pray for the Lord to restore a generous measure of peace to our country. Things are very fractured right now and we need His healing power. I would remind us, that while these are dark times that unnerve us all, to please remember we are ambassadors and representatives of Jesus and we do not want to stain His name by the things we do, say, or post. This is the very time when we have an opportunity to shine for the Lord, be an example and point people to what they need now, as much as ever, and that is the salvation that can only come through Jesus.

Please continue to pray for and encourage one another as the Lord leads you. Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless all of you!