4/1 Open for Easter!

Praise the Lord! We will be able to open the doors for Easter service. Please see below for more details from Pastor Dan.

Hello Eden Church family and friends,

I have some very good news…in addition to the fact that Jesus Saves, we are also going to have the opportunity to gather together for our 11:00 am in-person Easter Worship celebration. Praise the Lord! It will be a bit less than ideal, in that, we will not have water service available and the restrooms will be out of service. However, there will be 2 portable toilets on site (one handicapped accessible and one regular) with hand sanitizer, outside the building at the Sanctuary entrance. We will gather for the worship celebration only. The Christian Education classes may still meet online that morning, if they choose. Thanks to all those who worked to make this possible. Please remember to check out our online Good Friday service, put together by Pastor Mark. I look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday to celebrate our risen Savior’s Victory.


Pastor Dan